Wash. Co. Community Mental Health 2022 Health Preservation Millage Impact Report

From Washtenaw County Community Mental Health:

Dear community partner,
     I am delighted to share Washtenaw County Community Mental Health's 2022 Public Safety and Mental Health Preservation Millage impact report. This report shares outcomes driven by the voter-approved millage. The millage generates roughly $6 million annually for mental health services. In 2022, these investments expanded local access to mental health and substance use care, housed 250 previously homeless individuals, established jail-based behavioral health services, integrated mental health professionals into 911 dispatch response, increased support for youth in schools, and provided community
education aimed at reducing stigma and supporting access to care.

    Historically mental health has been poorly funded, but flexible millage dollars have enabled Washtenaw to make significant strides in critical areas, transforming the landscape of mental health services in our community.

     Washtenaw County Community Mental Health (WCCMH), the county's public mental health agency, administers the funds. Without millage support WCCMH would be unable to serve many local residents. State criteria limit WCCMH service to Medicaid enrollees with severe mental illness, severe emotional
disturbance, and emergency needs. Millage funds allow WCCMH to serve the county community more comprehensively, including uninsured residents, privately insured residents without adequate mental health coverage, and residents with mild to moderate mental health and substance use concerns. The
additional dollars have also enabled the county to provide face-to-face responses to individuals in crisis and expanded staffing to meet increasing needs.

The millage investments also benefit community agencies across the county, including Avalon Housing, the Corner Health Center, and the National Alliance of Mental Illness-Washtenaw County, enabling them to expand their programs and support an even greater number of people in need.

Read the report to learn about these and other programs funded with millage dollars, and the impact they have had on our community.

Always looking forward,
Trish Cortes
Executive Director
Washtenaw County Community Mental Health

P.S. Remember-if you or someone you know needs assistance, you can reach us 2417 at 734-544-3050. We're always here to answer the call.